New Hampshire
ESAC Conference 2025
New Hampshire
New Hampshire: State of the State
New Hampshire OA Office Details
Wynn B. Young, State Director (SD)
J.C. Cleveland Federal Building
55 Pleasant Street, Room #3505
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 225-1446
Joan B. Glines, Apprenticeship Training Representative (ATR)
J.C. Cleveland Federal Building
55 Pleasant Street, Room #3505
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 223-6239
Ryan R. Gould, State Apprentice Training Representative (ATR)
Office of Apprenticeship
Room 3503, Cleveland Building
55 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301
Key Initiatives
- Expand registered apprenticeships in health care, advanced manufacturing, automotive technology; biomedical technology; business and finance; construction and infrastructure; hospitality, and information technology;
- Engage in systems-building initiatives that further the interests of expanding registered apprenticeships in targeted industries.
- Support the efforts of grantees leveraging apprenticeship models to meet the needs of NH’s employers.
- Advocate for diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility within the NH registered apprenticeship system; and
- Increase workforce development partnerships to leverage resources effectively.
FY 2023 End of Year Statistics
New Programs: 39
Active Programs: 450
New Occupations: 6
New Apprentices: 1526
Active Apprentices: 3020
Completed Apprentices: 549
Workforce Partnerships and Investments
ApprenticeshipNH/Community College System of NH (CCSNH): In November of 2016, the Community College System of New Hampshire received its first grant, a State Apprenticeship Expansion (SAE) grant to expand registered apprenticeships in NH. In 2018, CCSNH became a sub-recipient of the Expanding Community College Apprenticeship Grant (ECCA) focused on biotechnology, automotive technology, business, and finance. In 2019, CCSNH received the Apprenticeship State Expansion grant to focus on pre-apprenticeship, youth apprenticeship, and registered apprenticeship models. In 2022, CCSNH was awarded an Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) grant to fund registered apprenticeship hubs. The total funding of the ApprenticeshipNH initiative is $12.07M with 99% funded through the following U.S. Department of Labor-Employment and Training Administration grants in the amounts indicated: State Apprenticeship Expansion 2020 (SAE2020) $3.45M, State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula (SAEF) $2.82M, and Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) $5.8M. Additional support of less than 1% is provided by third party scholarship grants.
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Workforce Readiness Institute D-HWRI and Mary Hitchcock Hospital: One of New Hampshire’s largest and longest running apprenticeship programs received the H1B Rural Healthcare Grant to expand opportunities for healthcare apprenticeship in rural NH. This grant also has a focus on behavioral and mental healthcare.
University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability, Building Futures Together: In 2020, Building Futures Together received the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) grant to prepare 98 paraprofessionals in healthcare and school settings to provide specialized enhanced care coordination to children, youth and their caregivers whose parents are impacted by opioid use disorders (OUD) and other substance use disorders (SUD).
Southern NH Area Health Education Center (AHEC): In 2023, Southern NH AHEC received the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) grant to train Community Health Workers (CHW).
T.E.A.C.H. New Hampshire: The Early Childhood Apprenticeship Program is designed to recruit early childhood educators and connect them with apprenticeships that support investing in education while providing on-the-job experience.
NH Sector Partnership Initiative (NHSPI): The NH Sector Partnerships Initiative, or NH SPI, is a collaborative, industry-led program that provides funding, training expertise and other resources to help companies within a growing industry sector collaborate on workforce development needs together. Employers connect with your industry colleagues to identify challenges, and SPI creates customized solutions, often by using state and federal funding sources and local educational resources, to train and upskill employees.
New Hampshire Coalition for Business and Education (NHCBE): The New Hampshire Coalition for Business and Education is a non-partisan organization composed of business, education, philanthropic and public policy leaders committed to improving the quality, access, and relevance of education for New Hampshire citizens of all ages.; Presentation listed here:
Recovery Friendly Workplace: NH Office of Apprenticeship continues with a DEIA focus on the disability identified as Substance Use Disorder (SUD) in FY 2022. We have partnered with many recovery centers through the UNH HRSA Grant and have added the resources of the NH Recovery Friendly Workforce Initiative to our partners in 2022. Recovery Friendly Workplaces (RFWs) support their communities by recognizing recovery from substance use disorder as a strength and by being willing to work intentionally with people in recovery. RFWs encourage a healthy and safe environment where employers, employees, and communities can collaborate to create positive change and eliminate barriers for those impacted by addiction. In order to strengthen workplace culture, Recovery Friendly Advisors (RFAs) will support interested companies in finding evidence-based practices to meet their individualized needs. RFAs will help employers develop and sustain the RFW Initiative in the workplace.

Charleston, SC
May 18 – May 23, 2025
About ESAC
The respective state sponsors in the form of an ESAC Planning Committee are ad hoc and exist to design the annual conference for that particular state in that particular year.
Eastern Seaboard Apprenticeship Conference
28 Pelham Street
Newport, RI 02840
(401) 847-7666