New York

ESAC Conference 2025

New York

State of the State

New York: State of the State

In Governor Kathy Hochul’s 2024 State of the State Address, she announced several initiatives to support New York State (NYS) workers and businesses, recognizing that we must continue to develop new ways to give New Yorkers the skills they need to thrive in high-quality and in-demand jobs.  Initiatives the Governor seeks to launch in 2024 include establishing a Youth Registered Apprenticeship (RA) model and launching a Department of Labor RA Program Pilot in State government which will utilize RA in State government jobs.

NYS RA continues to embark on an ambitious plan to strengthen the workforce and grow the economy by broadening RA through the expansion of programs in high demand fields.  One example being the Community College Pilot Program which includes two State University of New York (SUNY) and one City University of New York (CUNY) Community College to sponsor a Group RA in industries such as Human Services, Information Technology (IT), Healthcare and Education.  Additionally, NYS continues the Empire State Apprenticeship Tax Credit Program, first offered in 2018, which incentives employers to hire disadvantaged youth, and increasing the number of underrepresented groups such as women and minorities in all apprenticeships throughout the State

NYS RA staff have worked diligently with new and established sponsors on new trade development, seeking to further expand apprenticeship beyond the traditional construction trades, and work with employers which are prospective sponsors to develop new training outlines.  Apprentice Training Representatives (ATRs), located in seven regional field offices across NYS, continually engage new businesses and work with them to establish best practices and methods for diversifying and growing their workforce.

Enhanced funding opportunities are promoted by the State and enable sponsors to expand and improve diversification in their programs.  In addition to the ESATC mentioned above, NYS offers the Apprenticeship Expansion Grant 4 (AEG-4) (Request for Applications) and the Direct Entry Pre-Apprenticeship (DEPA) RFA.  The NYS Department of Labor (NYSDOL) has committed up to $3 million to expand NYS RA with AEG-4 funds by increasing employment opportunities for apprentices, including underrepresented populations. These apprentices will enter into trades in high-demand occupations.  NYSDOL is making $2 million available to support DEPA programs that provide participants with training and exposure to various trades and offer opportunities for entry into NYS RA training programs; particularly those serving underrepresented populations.  Direct Entry provides the individuals who successfully complete a DEPA program, and who meets the minimum requirements for a NYS RA program, with the direct opportunity to interview with the sponsor of a RA program.

NYS has over 17,000 active apprentices enrolled in 889 programs, with over 40% of programs being in high demand fields.  The building and construction trades continue to play a large role in workforce development in NYS.  Over 55% of the State’s RA programs and over 14,000 of its apprentices are in the building and construction trades.  NYS’s solid foundation in these trades have enabled the expansion of RA into new and emerging industries.  Over 75% of all new programs approved over the past year were in non-traditional trades, some of which were new trades such as Groundskeeper, Pharmacy Associate, Childcare Assistant and Software Developer.